Karlas Portfolio

Personal Learning Network Interface Design

An interface to facilitate a Community of Practice and Personal Learning Network.


A cohort of Professional Development students needed to take a refresher course each year however the training was disjointed and I identified a need for a Personal Learning Network to bridge the yearly sessions.

I developed the concept for a digital interface for a Community of Practice for participants in a Mathematics Intervention Program for teachers who were required to maintain yearly accreditation through refresher courses.


The Hub is an interface that allowed the teachers to share resources, communicate as a group and to set goals and reflect on their own practice.

What was produced

The Hub was my concept based on my extensive research of Communities of Practice and Personal Learning Networks.


The interface was not actualised as I moved into a new role.

Adult Learning Methodology:

The Hub is based on the principles of Communities of Practice. The structure was conceived incorporating social constructivist approaches such as three stages to create a cycle of teaching, reflection on practice, goal setting, collaboration then further reflection, goal setting and practice. Forming goals and evaluating these goals is the highest order of thinking skills according to Bloom’s Taxonomy. This was a continuously looping cycle of improvement through work and through community built on trust and camaraderie, to develop the participants self-efficacy and engagement. The design was learner centred and was a bridge between formal learning and learning in practice.